
Challenging the Status Quo in Ministry

What sets the stage for profound, scalable success in ministry? How do we navigate the roadblocks of old paradigms to ignite fresh and meaningful ministry practices? In this episode our hosts Drew and Tim engage in a thought-provoking dialogue with special guest Stephen Webb (Swebb) to address these questions, unpacking striking realities facing modern ministry.


Episode 39: Sharing the Good News- Effective Strategies for Modern Evangelism

In this podcast episode, Drew and Tim explore the topic of evangelism from various angles. They discuss the idea that evangelism isn't confined to specific roles within the church but is an obligation for every Christian, given the eternal stakes at play. They emphasize the necessity to share faith in every day life situations.. The duo also share strategies for evangelism, discuss the importance of prayer in evangelism, and talk about different types of evangelism such as one-on-one, door-to-door, mass, prison, hospitality, service, media, and friendship evangelism. They encourage listeners to overcome their fear of rejection and step out in faith to evangelize, reminding them to rely on God's wisdom and strength in these circumstances.


Episode 36: 7 church trends that will disrupt 2024, part 2

We discuss Part 2 of church trends predicted for 2024. Building on the trends we explored in the previous episode, we delve into disruptive trends such as the political influence on churches, the increasing adoption of AI in church operations, and the emergence of a new kind of mega-church pastor. We discuss that churches will need to rethink how they operate to address societal and technological changes. We also shared our own predictions for 2024 including a focus on evangelism, changes to worship styles, and a potential divide in churches becoming either on-fire or apostate.


Eyes on Jesus Podcast episode 35: 7 church trends that will disrupt 2024 part 1

In this episode of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, we dive into an examination of church trends projected to disrupt the church in 2024. We specifically discuss the diminishing presence of 'stable churches', the growing presence of millennials, the incoming influence of Generation Z, and the increasing importance of digital components in discipleship. We emphasize the need for churches to adapt to these trends, engage with younger generations, and utilize digital media for discipleship. Be sure to check back next episode for the second part!


How far is too far for the Gospel?

How far is too far for the Gospel? Episode 3 of the Eyes on Jesus Podcast with Drew and Tim is out now!


Church Hurt and Accountability

Church hurt is very real... how do we move past the pain and focus on the calling of Jesus in our life?