
Brant Hansen on embracing an unoffendable life and overcoming anxiety

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To listen to this episode, go to https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/eyesonjesus/episodes/Episode-43-Brant-Hansen-on-Embracing-an-Unoffendable-Life-and-Overcoming-Anxiety-e2h550f

To watch this episode, go to https://youtu.be/z9qXfkvHgGk

Unleashing Peace in a World of Anxiety: Insights from Brant Hansen

In a world where anxiety and stress seem to be the default settings for many, finding peace can feel like a Herculean task. However, Brant Hansen, in his conversation on the Eyes on Jesus Podcast with Drew and Tim, shines a light on practical wisdom, hilarious anecdotes, and profound biblical insights that promise a way out of this maze of worry.

Finding Peace in the Teachings of Jesus

Hansen’s discussion begins with an exploration of his book, “Unoffendable,” which challenges the commonly held belief that there’s a place for “righteous anger” within the Christian life. Instead, Hansen advocates for a radical forgiveness and unoffendability that not only aligns more closely with Scripture but also leads to a healthier and more peaceful existence.

He argues that the teachings of Jesus, especially those concerned with forgiveness and anger, are not just religious niceties but are practical instructions for living freely. By choosing to forgive in advance, Hansen suggests, we unlock a way of life that attracts others due to its peace and genuine love.

Becoming Different through Discipleship

Hansen doesn’t stop at merely highlighting the problems with modern Christianity’s approach to offense and anxiety. He offers a practical path forward, rooted in truly following Jesus. Discipleship, according to Hansen, is not just about acquiring knowledge but undergoing a transformation to become less anxious, more forgiving individuals.

One of the most striking illustrations of this discipleship in action is through his work with CURE International, a network of hospitals delivering healing in Jesus’ name to children and families worldwide. Hansen’s experiences with CURE underline the tangible impact of living out one’s faith, demonstrating the prolific nature of the kingdom of God on earth.

Practical Steps to a Life of Peace

Central to Hansen’s message is the concept of ‘outsourcing our worries to God.’ Drawing from Philippians 4:6-7, he emphasizes how replacing anxiety with gratitude not only aligns us with God’s peace but is also beneficial to our physical health. This approach invites us into a daily practice of releasing control and trusting in the character of God for our well-being.

Hansen’s encouragement to engage in practices such as scripture memorization and specific prayer strategies serves as a practical guide for reorienting our minds towards peace and joy, regardless of circumstances.

Embracing the Eternal Perspective

Perhaps the most profound takeaway from the conversation is the invitation to live with an eternal perspective. Hansen hints at a future where looking back at our lives, we might realize that our worries were unnecessary because of God’s overwhelming goodness and faithfulness.

The blend of humor, storytelling, and scriptural insights in Brant Hansen’s dialogue with Drew and Tim offers a refreshing perspective on tackling life’s challenges. By embracing the teachings of Jesus, engaging in practical discipleship, and holding on to an eternal viewpoint, we can indeed find peace in a world of anxiety.


In essence, Brant Hansen invites us on a journey of transformation—a shift from being anxiety-ridden to becoming embodiments of peace and joy. As we take practical steps towards trusting God, embracing discipleship, and focusing on the eternal, we not only find individual peace but also become beacons of hope in a restless world.

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