
Fasting: The Forgotten Spiritual Discipline

Listen to the latest episode of the Eyes on Jesus Podcast here https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/eyesonjesus/episodes/Fasting-The-Forgotten-Spiritual-Discipline-e2kkkeh

Watch the episode here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L_99mn6baQ&feature=youtu.be

Read a blog post about the episode:

**The Forgotten Spiritual Discipline: Exploring the Power of Fasting**

In our busy, modern lives, it’s easy to forget some of the ancient practices that have been integral to spiritual growth and clarity. One such practice is fasting, which is not only a form of abstinence but also a powerful tool for spiritual focus and divine connection. In a recent episode of the “Eyes on Jesus” podcast, Tim and Drew dove into the depths of fasting as a spiritual discipline, offering practical advice and spiritual insights. Below, we distill the key points from their discussion into a comprehensive guide.

### Introduction: Why Fast? Fasting is more than just skipping meals; it is a form of worship and submission to God. Tim notes that fasting is about reaching beyond the physical abstinence from food to achieve spiritual clarity and direction. He poses key questions: “What clarity will you have after the fast? What direction will you have from God? How will He meet you in the midst of it?” These are the benefits that can arise from a sincere fasting practice.

### Getting Started: The Essentials 1. **Plan and Prepare**: Drew emphasizes the importance of planning, warning against spontaneous fasting. “You need to plan it out,” says Drew. Whether it’s a specific day, meal, or period, preparation is crucial for success. This involves not only mental and physical preparation but also securing a supportive environment. 2. **Bring in Your Community**: Engaging your family, church, or small group can be incredibly beneficial. Drew suggests that sharing your plans can help you stay accountable and receive the support you need to follow through.

### Different Approaches to Fasting Tim outlines various approaches to fasting, ranging from skipping meals to more prolonged fasts. Here are some options: – **Daily Fasts**: Skipping specific meals, like breakfast and lunch, once a week. – **Full-Day Fasts**: Abstaining from food for an entire day. – **Extended Fasts**: These can range from several days to weeks, such as the 21-day fast mentioned by Tim. – **Partial Fasts**: Such as the Daniel fast, which involves consuming only nuts, grains, fruits, and vegetables.

### The Purpose of Fasting In Tim’s experience, fasting should lead to the elimination of distractions and the cultivation of a deep hunger for God. It’s not merely a diet or a way to lose weight but a disciplined method to refocus your spiritual life. “When you lay aside the cravings for food, the goal is to pick up cravings for God,” Tim explains.

### Biblical Basis and Spiritual Benefits Tim and Drew reinforce that fasting is deeply rooted in the Bible. Jesus Himself fasted for 40 days, and it was a common practice among Biblical figures like Moses and Elijah. They also highlight various Biblical reasons for fasting, such as seeking wisdom (Acts 14), intercession (First Kings 21:27), and petitioning for protection (Second Corinthians 11:27).

### Practical Tips and Personal Experiences 1. **Check with a Physician**: Tim advises consulting with a doctor, especially if you have medical conditions that might be affected by fasting. 2. **Start Small**: Begin with easily achievable goals, like skipping a meal, before attempting prolonged fasts. 3. **Stay Active**: Engage in activities like taking a walk, playing golf, or other forms of exercise to keep your mind off food. Drew shares his own experience, stating that communal support was crucial during his 21-day fast. “We fasted together, and though we struggled and caved at times, we shared the journey, which brought us closer to one another and to God.”

### Conclusion: Incorporate Fasting Into Your Life To wrap up, Tim encourages incorporating fasting into your spiritual routine, not just for crises but as a regular discipline. “Fasting can bring a weight off your mind, make you hungry for the things of God, and offer clarity about your life,” he highlights. If you’re considering fasting, Drew and Tim’s discussion offers a valuable roadmap to get started. And as Drew mentions, “We’d love to hear from you. Let us know how your fasting journey goes!”

For more details, including a full outline on how to pray and prepare for fasting, refer to the show notes on the “Eyes on Jesus” podcast, where Tim and Drew provide comprehensive resources to guide you through every step.

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