
We are all biased- a deeper look into recency bias

Episode 57 of the Eyes on Jesus Podcast is out now

To listen on Spotify https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/eyesonjesus/episodes/We-are-all-biased–a-deeper-look-into-recency-bias-and-how-biases-should-and-should-not-affect-our-actions-e2l5vem

To watch on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzjDfVxbHKM&feature=youtu.be

To read a blog post about the episode, see below

Understanding and Combating Recency Bias: Key Insights from the Eyes on Jesus Podcast

In Episode 57 of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, hosts Drew and Tim dive deep into the topic of biases, specifically focusing on recency bias and its impact on our lives, relationships, and ministries. Throughout the episode, they explore the pitfalls of prioritizing recent events over past ones and how this cognitive bias can shape our perceptions and behaviors. Below, we summarize the key points discussed and provide practical strategies to combat recency bias.

What is Recency Bias?

Recency bias is a cognitive tendency to give undue weight to recent events while disregarding historical ones. This can manifest as giving more importance to the latest set of circumstances or information rather than evaluating events across a broader timeline. For instance, a jury might place more emphasis on a lawyer’s closing argument simply because it is fresher in their minds.

The Implications of Recency Bias

Tim and Drew start by discussing how recency bias impacts different aspects of life, including technology, literature, arts, and our wisdom culture. Despite the plethora of knowledge available today, recency bias can lead us to overlook valuable wisdom from past generations.

In Our Spiritual Lives

One of the critical areas where recency bias affects us is in our spiritual lives. Many people might disregard ancient texts like the Bible, considering them irrelevant simply because they are old. This approach undermines the timeless wisdom that can be gleaned from such texts.

In Our Personal Lives

Drew shares a personal story highlighting how recency bias can shape our perception of gratitude. After becoming discontent with his backyard and thinking about expensive upgrades, he was reminded by God of his previous struggles with homelessness. This reminder helped recalibrate his mindset, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and appreciating God’s past faithfulness.

In Relationships

Recency bias also plays a role in relationships, particularly in marriages. The initial ‘honeymoon phase’ can fade, and without conscious effort to maintain and deepen the relationship, one might seek new excitement elsewhere. Yet, successful long-term relationships exemplify pushing through such phases and recognizing the deeper commitment at play.

Combating Recency Bias

Here are some practical ways to combat recency bias in various aspects of life:

In Personal Growth and Reflection

  1. Journal Regularly: Writing down significant events and moments of gratitude can help you reflect on God’s continuous faithfulness through different periods.
  2. Remember the Goodness of God: Regularly remind yourself of the ways God has come through for you in the past, especially during challenging times.

In Ministry

  1. Redefine Success: For those in ministry, redefine what a successful Sunday looks like. Instead of focusing solely on attendance or offerings, measure success by the number of meaningful connections and ministry moments with individuals.
  2. Stay Focused on Your Mission: Align your actions with the overarching mission and vision God has given you, ignoring temporary setbacks that can skew your perspective.

In Relationships

  1. Stay Committed: Understand that feelings may wane, but deepening commitment and pushing through tough phases can lead to richer, long-term relationships.
  2. Communicate: Ensure open and honest communication, especially during phases when initial excitement fades.


Recency bias can subtly influence our perceptions and decisions, but with conscious effort and practical strategies, we can combat its effects. Reflecting on God’s past faithfulness, redefining success in our roles, and staying committed in relationships are just a few ways to ensure we maintain a balanced perspective.

Looking Ahead

In the next episode, hosts Tim and Drew will dive into other types of biases, including confirmation bias, hindsight bias, and more. These discussions promise to offer further insights into understanding human behavior and fostering a more discerning, faithful life.

Stay tuned, and until next week, keep your eyes on Jesus!

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