
Shane Winnings, CEO of Promise Keepers, on spiritual warfare, bold faith, and miraculous healings

Episode 56 of the Eyes on Jesus Podcast is out now

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Watch the episode here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYQ8I7wQNiQ

For a blog post based on this episode, see below

In Episode 56 of the Eyes on Jesus Podcast, Tim hosts a deep and insightful conversation with Shane Winnings, a veteran, former law enforcement officer, preacher, and CEO of Promise Keepers. Shane shares his thoughts and experiences on topics ranging from spiritual warfare to healings and the importance of maintaining bold faith in our daily lives.

### Spiritual Perspective and Healing Shane opens the discussion with a profound statement on miracles: > “Miracles are awesome, but if you don’t know God in the right way… then you’ll only be okay as long as your prayers are answered.” This sets the tone for a conversation that delves deeply into the spiritual perspective, reminding us that knowing God and maintaining the right perspective is essential for a fulfilling Christian life.

### The Importance of a Peaceful Heart Shane describes how he has seen people with chronic sickness find peace in their hearts, while others without sickness are spiritually in turmoil. He emphasizes the importance of the condition of people’s hearts over the miracles they experience, underscoring that a true walk with God comes from revelation and not just from seeing miracles.

### Introduction and Background Tim introduces Shane as a dynamic individual with a diverse background: > “Shane is a veteran, a former law enforcement officer, and he spent four years traveling as a preacher reaching millions on his social media as well as in person. He’s also authored multiple books and is currently the CEO of Promise Keepers. Shane is married to his wife, Jessica, and they have two boys. Shane, welcome to the show. How are you doing today?”

### Shane’s Journey Shane recounts how his experiences in Afghanistan and law enforcement prepared him for his ministry, providing him with unique insights into spiritual warfare. He explains that recognizing that people are oppressed by an enemy, rather than being the enemy themselves, has been crucial to his understanding and approach in ministry.

### Understanding Spiritual Warfare The discussion evolves into the concept of spiritual warfare, where Shane brings light to the reality of spiritual oppression and the importance of being spiritually equipped: > “There are principalities in dark, you know, people in high places in the spirit realm that are influencing the world that we see.” Shane explains that understanding spiritual warfare means recognizing that there are forces at play beyond the physical, which requires a Christian to be in constant prayer and reliance on God’s power.

### The Balance of Prayer and Practicality Shane advocates for a balanced approach to addressing issues, combining both spiritual insights and practical actions: > “I believe God can do that, but I’m going to be praying on the way to the emergency room.” ### Reaching Out Through Ministry Shane discusses his 2021 tour across America, preaching the gospel and witnessing numerous healings and miracles, including a teenager healed of epilepsy. His experiences highlight the incredible power of faith and the importance of not limiting what God can do.

### Encouragement to Pastors and Leaders Addressing church leaders, Shane offers advice on how to embrace bold faith and step into new directions even if it means rocking the boat: > “Just do what you know is right… And you know when you’re compromising. Put your eyes back on Jesus.”

### Launching Promise Keepers Shane shares his current journey as the CEO of Promise Keepers, a national men’s ministry focused on equipping men to live with integrity and bold faith. Their upcoming event in Tulsa, Oklahoma, themed “Daring Faith,” is set to inspire and empower men across the nation.

### Final Thoughts Shane and Tim wrap up their conversation by encouraging Christians to take leaps of faith and trust in God’s voice, even if it means stepping out of one’s comfort zone. Shane’s testimony and message are a powerful reminder that true faith involves taking risks and trusting in God’s plan. > “Your fight is having faith in Christ who never loses.”

### Connect with Shane Winnings Shane’s books, including his latest, are available on Amazon. He is active on social media, where he continues to share his journey and insights. **For more detailed insights and to join future conversations, tune into the Eyes on Jesus Podcast with Drew and Tim. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and grow in discernment, faith, and boldness.** — For more information on Promise Keepers and to participate in their events, visit [Daring Faith](daringfaith.org).

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